Sunday, August 2, 2015

Goldfish/ Fruit Loops Collage

Materials Needed: 
• Goldfish crackers 
• Fruit loops, Apple Jacks, or Cheerios (any circular cereal)
• glue
• construction paper 
• Markers or crayons or colored pencils 

What I Did:
I personally drew the fish bowl and the verse on the paper. Then I had the students glue the Apple Jacks onto the bottom of the paper. I informed them that they shouldn't glue Apple Jacks all over the bowl, but at the bottom of it because that's how normal fish bowls are. And then they glued the 4 goldfish to the paper. 
Don't forget to write names on the papers! And I also bought some extra snack size bags of goldfish for a fun snack after! 

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