Friday, April 12, 2013

"You Were Bought at a Price..."

"You Were Bought at a Price..."                                           Easter


  • LOTS of pennies
  • Large-sized popsicle sticks
  • Hot glue gun/sticks
  • Marker/sharpie (for verse on back)

What I Did:

WARNING: This craft takes up a lot of time! Make sure you have enough!

Before presenting the class with instructions, I had personally taken two popsicle sticks and wrote "1 Corinthians 6:20a" on one and "You were bought at a price..." on the other, then glued them together (so you could legibly read the verse). 
During class, it took up so much time, that I pulled kids during lesson time. Having 2 teachers work with 2 glue guns/children at one time is best. 
I used the glue gun the entire time and had the child pick out one penny at a time and place it on top of the glob of glue. **Explain to be careful and follow instructions or the child will get burned. Use lots of glue or they'll all pop off if dropped.

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