Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cross-Beaded Necklaces

Cross-Beaded Necklaces                                                     Anytime

  • Cross-shaped beads (found at Hobby Lobby) 
  • A large tub of assorted beads 
  • Cord or string 
What I Did:
This is a very simple, and sometimes last-minute, craft you can do anytime of the year and the kids understand how it is supposed to work. All you need to do is tie a knot at one of the ends of the string so the beads don't fall off as you place them on. Then start the beading process. Let the kids use their imaginations. Some will make patterns and some will do random assortments. Make sure you make the necklaces loose enough they can easily take them off over their heads. The teacher should probably be the one to tie them so that the child doesn't make it too tight on accident. 

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