Saturday, May 4, 2013

Creative Creation: Decorating the Days of Creation

Creative Creation: Decorating the Days of Creation Anytime of the year


  • paper
  • crayons/colored pencils/marker
What I did:
This is a very, very simple project for if you didn't really have time to think of something and it is last minute, or if you are a broke teacher and need something cheap to work with, both of which I have been in that situation. 
I simply blew up numbers on separate pieces of paper and made copies like crazy of each one, stapling them together, and then decorated/colored the days of creation on the corresponding numbers. For example, for the first day, God created light and darkness, so in the top corner of the paper I drew a sun and in the bottom corner I drew a moon. On the second day, God created the sky and the sea, so I drew water and clouds (hold up on the birds and fish, they come in later.) I also drew the words "light and darkness" or the corresponding words on the correct days of creation, just so my children understand what was created on that day and so that they knew what to draw, but that part is completely optional.

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