Saturday, May 4, 2013

Note-Taking in Worship Long-term Project

Note-Taking in Worship         Anytime of the year- longterm project

  • Small notebook
  • Writing utensil 
What I did:
This project is intended to last for as long as the student is in the class, and if they choose, afterwards.
In order to expand on note-taking skills and getting more out of the message on Sunday mornings, I have decided to start this fun, little project. 
I have written on the inside flaps of the notebook what my expectations are and what they are to do.

The front inside says "You may write whatever you feel you are led to write. This is an aid to help you in your note-taking. At the end of every month, you will turn these in to me and if you have filled it out for every day that you have been to church this month, you will receive a prize."

The back inside tells what the acronym, SOAP, means and entails:
S: Scripture verses
O: Observations (the bullet points shown on the screen)
A: Application to your own life (what the preacher says that applies to your life or something you can work on in your own life that relates to the message)
P: Prayer of response (a prayer that is your own personal prayer that reflects the message that has been given)

If they do not want to go with what the acronym says because maybe it is too much for them, let them write whatever they want about the message. But when I check them, I want to be able to tell that they got something out of the message that applies to them and their life. I want to make sure that they learned something that morning. That is the intention of taking notes in church and I want them to understand that. I started taking notes in service when I was very young and I still do. I used to because it kept me from not being able to sit still and it helped me pay attention. I think that this will do a lot of good for my students and maybe teach them more just by writing down and listening to the preacher. 

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