Sunday, May 12, 2013

Prayer Pails

Prayer Pails                                                                                    Anytime of the year

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Small pail/cup
  • Any kind of writing utensil (*colorful markers are probably preferred)
What I Did:
I wrote down 10 specific things/people on 10 popsicle sticks that I would like to pray for anytime that I sit down to pray. My list (for example-use) is as follows:
  1. Mom and Dad
  2. Meme and finances/health (grandmother)
  3. Bro. Mark and Stuart and their families (preacher and youth pastor)
  4. Friends: health and decisions
  5. That I will make good decisions
  6. School: teachers and authority
  7. The Earys and the CHS Band (work/boss)
  8. Cousins (brothers/sisters)
  9. Thank God for my salvation
  10. Thank God for my friends and family
It does not have to be completely things that you need help with. I included things I would like to thank God for that are in my life, because those things should also always be included in one's prayer. I used ten, but I recommend between 5-10 popsicle sticks be used. The more you use, the more creative the kids can get. And don't let them use just generic answers such as "parents" or "preacher"; tell them to get specific with their lives! Things they would actually ask God about themselves. They don't have to share it with anyone if they do not want to.You could even ask before you start on the project for some examples that could be written on the sticks and maybe get some interesting answers! Tell them they can take these out anytime they sit down to pray (when they wake up, before eating, before going to bed, etc.) It's a fun way to remember what you want to pray for!

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